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Writer's pictureSia

Why we cannot attract money

Why we cannot attract money

What is money?

Money is simply a form of ‘Energy Exchange’ or ‘Karmic Exchange’ whatever you like to call it. Back in the day, barter system was used for trade, to make exchanges of goods. But as time went by, everyone realised that barter system is not efficient and can result in hoarding things one no longer needs. Money (or rather the idea of it) was born as currency to be able to use for trade of any kind.

There’s no such thing as a FREE LUNCH in this COSMOS

A lot of the times, we think/want/expect things or services for free. The problem with free stuff is that it’s never free. Even with nature we have an energy exchange- we exhale carbon dioxide which the plants & trees inhale; plants and trees exhale oxygen which we inhale. We are co-dependent on each other that way.

If you expect anything for free- be it a service or product, what you get will be basis that. There’s a law called the LAW OF COMPENSATION which will ensure that a balance is always restored. Never ask/expect for anything for free unless the person selling it is happily offering.

How KARMA is linked to MONEY?

Everytime you cheat a person, it gets added in your karmic account. Yes, we have a karmic account where the intention is what is recorded. Intention decides karma and we all know that intention can only be proven of you inhabit the brain of a person which is obviously not possible. No one knows except for you (and your subconscious mind) that the “good deed” that you did was really good or not or had terms & conditions applied to it. If someone keeps giving free products or services, they will gather karmic debts which the other person will have to pay off at a later stage. The law of karma and compensation sees to it that everyone is remunerated fairly. In the grand scheme of things, you reap all that you sow.

‘Life is unfair’ is the ultimate myth in this Universe.

Everything is fair, either in the realm of karma or in the realm of soul contracts.

Note: If a person has experienced treachory or robbery, chances are that they had an old karmic debt with the person who stole from them. This could be genetic or past life, one can never know for sure.


One must always make an effort to recover their money or things in such a case because… you never know if the experience of robbery/treachory was a learning experience or a karma cleansing experience.

This is why, we must always put an effort and eventually, simply SURRENDER.

What is Wealth Consciousness/Abundance Mindset and Scarcity Consciousness/Lack Mindset?

Wealth Consciousness is an abundance mindset that that we all must have to be able to pull in abundance in our life. Without this mindset, you are operating out of lack, limitations and obstacles. Without an abundant mindset, money or anything for that matter will come in your life with struggle and delays.

See image below


Do you believe in any of the following

(or say these things often) ->

Money is hard.

Sucess is hard.

No pain, no gain.

I only get things after struggle.

I am busy.

I don’t have time.

I have to live for others.

I have to crush my happines for my family.

I am not good enough.

I am not enough.


These and more such thoughts and beliefs are a telltale of a lack or scarcity mindset.

With these thoughts and beliefs, pulling abundance in your life will be hard because these kind of thoughts hold you back and heavily weigh you down. Some people do not care enough to understand what blocks they carry... these are the people who suffer from not being able to build wealth for themselves.


Your words, thoughts and actions of yesterday are being channelled into today. Today is a manifestation of yesterday. If you are not working on yourself today, you are not just spoiling this day but also jeopardising your tomorrow. ‘Working on self’ simply means to grow via belief work which means to decode the subconscious mind and cleanse all the negative and limiting beliefs. If you are carrying a beliefs such as

‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’

‘It’s hard to earn money’

‘No pain, no gain’

‘Easy come, easy go’ ;

then you will find it really hard to manifest money (opportunities for money/work, etc.).

Remember, life is images of the mind expressed. Images of the mind expressed simply means your beliefs!!! If your mind (conscious and subconscious) is not nourished with good quality, healthy, abundant, optimistic and virtuous thoughts and beliefs, it will trickle down into your life.

Thought is action in rehearsal. This is because thoughts result in actions and actions result in experiences and experiences result in beliefs which in turn result in thoughts. So it’s a loop which you must be consciously aware of at all times. Self work (healing the mind) is mandatory and non-negotiable if you really ask me.

Whatever you focus on magnifies. If you focus on the problem, you are magnifying that problem. If you focus on growth, your growth magnifies. If you focus on money, money grows … provided you don’t have any money blocks.

Wealth- building & managing

Money Blocks- how ‘healing’ and ‘growth’ are linked to building wealth?

Before I address this, let me have you ask this question to yourself;


answer the following question in your mind:

What does manifestation of wealth or money mean to me?

Others’ sense of money and not knowing what money and wealth means to us is a big problem today. Social Media has confused our definition of wealth and success.

A lot of people are chasing desires of other people. For some people, wealth and money means an abundant lifestyle with lots of international holidays, designer bags and shoes; for some it means financial freedom, for some it’s retiring qt 40; for some it’s buying your own mansion and having 3 luxury cars in the driveway and hosting parties every week, etc. But for you, what does it mean to manifest money & wealth?

That’s why when it comes to manifesting money/ building wealth, intent is important. Intent helps u recognise and differentiate your thoughts from that of others.

Only after you understand your intentions behind your manifestations, especially if they are linked to abundance of any kind- be it an abundance of money, success, joy, soulmate’s love, friendships, etc., you will be in awareness of who you are where you come from. This awareness if done with a healer/coach will allow you identify your own blocks in life and rectify the same. No matter how big, profound or small or petty a desire is, it can be manifested provided it is being worked upon on a subconscious (mind) level.

I am teaching a ginormous healing course called MANIFESTING & ABUNDANCE which allows you to cleanse yourself spiritually within 2 weeks. Yes, it’s 2 weeks long because its not just a course, it’s a form of DETOX. Allow me to teach you and guide you through this process. Contact me for information on this.


Sia (Life Coach, Hormone Health Coach, Spiritual Coach, Energy Healer & Teacher, Tarot Card Reader & Teacher, Switch Word & Energy Circles Practitioner, Drawing, Signature & Handwriting Analyst)

1 Comment

Deepa M
Deepa M
Mar 03, 2024

Super liked it easy to understand and very relatable and will keep in mind when next time I am talking about money or in general.

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