Diseases or as a selective few of us like to call it,
are a manifestation of a person’s thought pattern. Genetic predisposition, environmental toxins have a minuscule role to play in the manifestation of diseases. Poor lifestyle, on the contrary, holds far more potential to make a body disease-prone!
By poor lifestyle, I mean:
>Yo-Yo Diet
>Sedentary Lifestyle
>Seeing food as therapy and usingabusing food to manage emotions
>Binge Eating
>Emotional Eating
>Not looking after one’s body
Having said this, no one is perfect or is perfectly following the actual protocols of a good diet and lifestyle ALL THE TIME, then why do some people fall sick compared to others?
For example,
Between two men with similar genetic predispositions and equally poor lifestyle why does only one get a heart attack while the other remains unaffected?
Same goes for twins (many studies support this today). Twins born and raised very similarly with similar genetic predispositions, one falls prey to dis-ease at a certain age while the other lives unaffected by any kind of disorder.
When a person falls prey to any dis-ease, they are actually living a manifestation of a certain cocktail of feelings/emotions they have suppressed. Every dis-ease has a probable emotional/mental reason linked to it. This reason varies on which part of the body a person has manifested a dis-ease. If you wish to understand this in THE MOST BASIC & EASY WAY, read this book ->
There’s a big chunk slap bang in the middle of this book which lists all dis-eases from A-Z and has probable reasons behind it. It isn’t a 100% accurate for all because:
a) This book was written long back and the research on this is quite mind boggling as of today (some of which I’m about to share with you).
b) Every case and life story is different and only when you sit with a healer who is trained to work on dis-eases, will you be able to find the root cause of your dis-ease/disorder.
Regardless, I urge you to read this book because Louise Hay was diagnosed with breast cancer back in the 70s and she healed herself using her thoughts. She’s written this book with so much vulnerability and transparency that your heart will melt and you will be left in AWE. She speaks about how her old traumas from past relationships (including that from her caregivers) remained unhealed, unforgiven and suppressed and eventually resulted in Cancer. Once again allow me to compel you to read this book because it will open both your eyes and your mind to the power of your thoughts and your inner dialogue.
Criticism, Judgement & Perfectionists
A lot of people who are critical of their children/partner/sometimes even parents are masking their criticism behind their intention of wanting their loved one to grow and become the best version of themselves. But is criticism the only way to motivate a person? And why have you taken the onus of making everyone the best version of self? Parents are a child’s FIRST & biggest ROLE MODEL. Children always watch and learn and need not be told too much or criticised in order to grow. Mind you, constructive feedback marinated in good communication skills is different from criticism. When we are invested in working on ourselves, becoming the best version of ourselves, we allow our children/partners and perhaps even our parents to get inspired and follow our lead. The issue with criticism (and even judgement because we criticise because we JUDGE) is that we can’t just judge and criticise others… when we do it to others we actually do more to ourselves. It’s impossible for a person to only be critical of others and not feel critical of self. In fact criticising others (A lot) is a person’s mind’s way of (over)compensating for self-criticism. You see how a critical person (these days such people like to call themselves PERFECTIONISTS) digs their own grave?
Being a perfectionist results in -> criticism towards others which results in 3x more -> critical to self which in turn results in -> a poor, toxic, lack filled inner dialogue which steals the joy & power of self love. This is the ONSET of dis-eases.
Lack of self love results in lack of self care which in turn puts a person in a victim mentality, the ‘WHY ME’ SYNDROME! The ‘why me’ syndrome is the worst headspace to be in because the moment a person starts seeing themselves as a victim, their sense of self worth starts going into a downward spiral.
This then starts attracting more people (family members/peers/friends/mates) who would mirror a person’s lack of self worth.
How I heal dis-eases?
Being a certified ThetaHealing Practitioner & Instructor, when I work with a person who has a disease, I start by understanding what happened in the person’s life a year before the disease was diagnosed and then we eventually talk about childhood and do an inner child healing. It’s 60-90 minute process which is grounded in learnings and limiting beliefs. It involves a process called Digging which is done on the subconscious mind to get to the bottom of a problem.
Every disease has a bunch of limiting beliefs & specific emotions linked to it. These beliefs and emotions are the reason a person attracts the dis-ease in the first place.
Here are some general yet accurate (emotional) reasons behind dis-eases.
Note: You MUST SIT WITH A HEALER TO KNOW THE EXACT CAUSE of your disease. Simply knowing the cause won’t heal it, HEALING IT will heal it. Healing happens on an emotional and soul level.
>Mouth related disorders (Mouth Cancer), Thyroid (Hypo/Hyper/Hashimotos), Throat Cancer:
over communication -gossiping/ spreading rumours/belittling those around you/hurting others with your harsh criticism and judgement, misusing your voice in negative ways,
under communicating -suppressing, not standing up for self, undervaluing self, etc.
>Auto-immune dis-ease of any kind:
self sabotage
feeling unsupported (physically/emotionally/romantically),
holding anger,
grudges & feeling of revenge,
carrying old hurt.
>Hand related diseases (eg:carpal tunnel syndrome/fracture):
not being able to grab opportunities in life,
self doubt,
debilitating under confidence,
self guilt.
>Digestive System related disorders:
holding feelings of shame that could be rooted in abuse (physical/sexual/verbal).
not being able to accept your feminine side,
wanting to be as “strong as a man”/“as independent and ALPHA as a man”,
mother/family wanting a boy and baby being exposed to such words and thought forms in the mother’s womb.
>Lung related disorder:
>Eyes related dis-ease:
Not being able to see the truth and practicality,
living in denial,
being self centered (selfish in a way that it hurts and harms others).
>Disorder in muscles:
being stubborn & resistant to life and changes that life brings,
too attached to your mindset and goals that you close yourself off.
>Shoulder related disorder (frozen shoulder, etc.):
feeling burdened (in any way).
>Back related disorder (of any kind):
financial worries/issues,
feeling unsupported,
lacking a proper structure at work or at home,
feeling chaotic.
Foot/leg related disorder:
holding onto past worries/wounds,
not being able to let go and move on.
Book a session with me to understand this in detail.
Drop me an email at themavenlifetyle@gmail.com and also drop me a message on Instagram (feeding_thy_soul). If I am unable to reply within 24 hours, feel free to nudge me again. I’d be happy to help.
If you wish to learn how to heal others, please go through
and drop me a message to enquire about the prices.
Love & Light,
Wow very useful one 👏 and yes this book is very applicable, we must find the causes as you wrote and work on affirmation
Once again lovely stuff and very useful too :)