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What is ThetaHealing?

ThetaHealing is a healing modality that empowers you to HEAL blocks in YOUR life. It gives you a magic wand to resolve any and every problem in your life, be in emotional or physical. When you do a ThetaHealing session with a healer, you are basically entering a deep meditative state from which you access your subconscious mind. Whatever problem you walk in with in a session, is resolved by decoding your subconscious mind through a process called digging.

Digging means the healer will ask you lots of questions and you will give answers straight from your subconscious mind. Often times during a digging session, clients tell me things like-

‘Woooaaah, I can’t believe I just said that.’ or’

Woooaaah, I can’t believe I felt that.’ or

‘Woooaaah, I can’t believe I remember something that happened so long ago. I thought I was over it.’

Clients sometimes go back to memories from they were a baby in their mother's womb or even past life. All this happens because in a session we set an intention to heal so the mind relaxes and starts to OPEN UP. You mind can be commanded to do anything. If you tell your mind you want to heal, it will HELP you to heal. Digging is all about understanding why any issue or block has manifested in a person’s life. It is to be noted and understood that we not just manifest good things, we manifest problems as well. This is why understanding the subconscious mind and the patterns it holds is of paramount importance; because if you don’t understand the inner workings of your mind, you will live a life which will feel like its driven by fear (or doubt or pain or lack mentality).

We all have two minds, conscious mind and subconscious mind. Conscious mind is what we use for day to day activities. Subconscious mind rules 90% of our life. Consciously (conscious mind wise) we only act 10%. Subconscious mind holds memories, patterns, pain, trauma, learnings, beliefs, etc. Subconscious mind records every incident we experienced since the second we were conceived to our mother + memories from past lives + genetic ancestral memories too. The subconscious mind is extremely vast and powerful. Since the subconscious mind holds experiences and incidents, it formulates beliefs based on those experiences. We live our life based on the beliefs we form and this is a good thing BUT can be bad if our beliefs are negative/limiting. One bad experience if left unhealed, can form a negative belief and until challenged and broken. This negative belief starts dictating our life. Limiting (or negative) beliefs are dug upon, questioned, challenged, broken and healed using ThetaHealing.

Examples of limiting beliefs most of us carry-

I am not good enough.

I cannot afford to __

I am never going to be able to _

It is impossible for me to _

Life is a struggle.

Love hurts.

No pain, no gain.

Success is the best revenge.

I need to lose weight.

I am guilty of _

I regret not being able to _

I regret doing _

I can only get married if I am _

Marriage is hard.

Making money is hard.

___ disease runs in our family.

My grandfather is diabetic so I will be too.

Prostate gland problems run in my family so I will have it at some age.

My grandmother had cancer so I probably will too.

Now, some in Hindi

Paise pedd pe nahi ughte hain.

Paisa kamana asaan nahi hai.

Tum se na ho paayega yeh _

Jitna hasoge, utna rona padhega.

Yeh nahi kia toh paap lag jaayega.

Yeh kiya toh paap lag jaayega.

In-laws toh hote hi ‘aise’ hain.

Sister in laws ka toh kaam hi hai _

Beta shade ke baad wife ka ho jaata hai.

Betiyaan paraya dhan hai.


All of the above are examples of negative beliefs because these beliefs LIMIT us. If we carry any such beliefs, we are blocking our own success and happiness. But there’s no way for you to know for sure whether you carry these on a subconscious level unless you energetically test for it and allow your mind to be DUG UPON. Energy testing is again something done in ThetaHealing where we test if we carry a belief on a subconscious level. This is taught in the healing course.

Read here how I decode client cases:

Every ThetaHealing session helps you understand the workings of your mind in a whole new way. Sessions never get old/dull/boring because each time something new (mostly twisted) is discovered about the client’s mindset. In my humble opinion, the existence of this healing modality is a privilege and MUST be UTILIZED.

As a ThetaHealing Practitioner & Instructor, I am trained to decode complicated cases. With 6+ years of practice and two thousand+ (as of Aug 2023) sessions later, I have understood the value of healing and implore you to INVEST in your healing journey. Give this a whole year of life and see the amount of shifts in your reality.

In ThetaHealing, a lot of emphasis is given to TRIGGERS. No triggers are supposed to be taken lightly. Every trigger carries a dark secret which must be unveiled and destroyed. Behind every trigger sits a limiting (negative) belief. I don’t mean to sound dramatic but limiting beliefs can really take us into a dark state if not healed and worked upon.

My first ThetaHealing session...

I did my first ThetaHealing session not knowing what to even talk about. I did as an experience. I just wanted to know what this modality was about and immediately after my first session HUGE SHIFTS happened in my life. Some are very personal but one is very public, I got engaged to my husband. I manifested my soulmate. So whether you have a specific thing you want to work on or not, taking up ThetaHealing sessions will open floodgates into growth and success for you.

The process of ThetaHealing begins with first cleansing your aura. This means, all the evil eye (nazar), negative thought forms, bad vibes/projections from others are removed, cleansed and the your aura is charged with positivity, protection and then zipped up. You also have the privilege of getting your hormones and immunity balanced. ThetaHealing brings in INSTANT shifts in your life and is very powerful. Every session of ThetaHealing works on a different issue. Same issues need not be discussed because one session is more than enough to resolve any issue.

You can experience ThetaHealing as a client and you can also learn ThetaHealing from me. I am both a practitioner and an Instructor. I am certified by THInK (ThetaHealing Institute of Knowledge, Montana, US). I am certified to teach you healing and certify you as a healer.

For more information, please visit

If you wish to know what all you can learn in a ThetaHealing course, click:

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Instagram DM: feeding_thy_soul

Lots of love,



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