Startling Facts About NAZAR || Evil Eye
Everyone is always worried about getting nazar or evil eye in their auric field. I get this often asked a lot by my clients if I can energetically scan them and confirm if they have fallen prey to nazar. Post which, I’m asked to remove nazar by cleansing their aura. Let’s dig in further on this topic.
What is NAZAR?
Nazar & Evil Eye can be used interchangeably, firstly.
Secondly, evil eye is a possibly negative (even spiteful) projection from a person. This ‘can’ be a fleeting thought of envy/jealousy. It can come from a friend or a foe. Sometimes it can even come from a family member. Sometimes, when someone projects nazar at you, they are not even intending to… really! It’s quite often unintended.
Before we further understand what NAZAR is let’s understand what AURA is.
Have you heard people speak about vibes?
Do you speak about vibes, or gauge people as per their ‘vibe’?
We often say,
‘I get a good vibe from him’
‘I get a bad vibe from her’, etc.
Vibe actually means energy which is unique to each person. We all emit an energy which adds up becoming our aura. Every person has an aura, every space has an aura. We feel spooky and ‘weird’ in a cemetry (kabrastaan as we say in Hindi parlance) because of the spirits lingering there who might be stuck in an astral realm. Being stuck in astral realm means they are yet to enter the light. This happens because they were either killed before their exit time or committed suicide or were too attached to earthly possessions. Usually, most of us, as soon as we die, enter the light rather quickly. Anyway, so the overall vibe or aura of a cemetry (kabrastaan as we say in Hindi parlance) is not the most positive, is it? On the other hand, the aura or vibe of a Mandir/Gurudwara/Church is really good, isn’t it? Because everyone going there is creating thoughts of HOPE, FAITH, SURRENDER & OPTIMISM. This is why when we go to a Mandir/Gurudwara/Church, we automatically feel (up)lifted and empowered. Some of us are often complimented on our “good vibe” which in my opinion is one of the best compliments because a good vibe is a result of a very healthy belief system and really good thoughts. Those who are secretive, fearful, living in denial, pessimistic, insecure, jealous don’t have a very good vibe WHICH MEANS that their aura is rather WEAK. People who carry a lot of guilt (or tend to feel guilty very quickly) also have a weak aura. But you know whose aura is the weakest of them all?
That of a validation seeking person.
Why do I say this?
Well, a validation seeking person has barely any sense of self and striving to understand self through others (opinions/compliments/criticism/feedback).
People who have a broken/punctured auric field end up falling prey to nazar.
If you don’t lock your house at night, your house is prone to being attacked by intruders/burglars, yes? Same goes for nazar. If your aura is weak or broken, anybody’s evil eye affects you.
What causes this break or weakness in auric field?
Being secretive (too discreet to a point you feel like people are a threat), having many fears, living in denial, pessimistic attitude, insecure, jealous, validation seeking, competitive etc.
Being competitive also makes you prone to nazar because you’re in the vibe of ‘I’m in threat’ or ‘I’ll be beaten/defeated’. These thoughts instantly make you feel weak or as if you can be attacked anytime.
Apart from this, being addicted to anything also causes tears in auric field which makes you a target to nazar. Addiction can be to drugs, alcohol, food (emotional eating), smoking, junk food, sugar, videos games, etc. Any obsessive behavior makes our aura weak because we are “dependent” on outside forces (the thing we are addicted to).
How I deal with aura?!
I don’t believe in it!
I am not in denial of the fact that nazar exists; I know it does. I deny the fact that no nazar is stronger than me. I believe I am a kind, compassionate, god-loving, spiritual and optimistic person. I work on myself daily by connecting to the ‘Creator of All That Is’ through the ThetaHealing modality which I’ve been practicing since 2017. I cleanse my aura and work on my belief system daily (if not twice a day sometimes). Even when I work with my client, I’m connected to a very high energy of God which keeps me supremely safe and protected.
How can you deal with NAZAR?
In ThetaHealing, I teach my clients how to scan and clear their aura off all negative entities alongside nazar and fill it with love and safety. I also teach my students how to send themselves and their loved ones angels of protection in the very first level of ThetaHealing. That’s why I encourage everyone to learn this magical modality; it’s supremely empowering because all the fears about plentiful unknown entities are all busted in the very first level of the ThetaHealing course.
For those who are not willing to ThetaHealing (which I AGAIN implore you to consider);
you guys can do the following technique to ensure your aura is protected
(follow these steps in this exact order):
STEP 1> Close your eyes and chant OM 3 times.
STEP 2> Speak out loud with clarity 3 things/situations/people you’re grateful for & why. Focus on WHY you’re grateful. The WHY is very important.
STEP 3> Then visualise yourself getting rinsed in pure white light.
(ALTERNATE: If step 3 is confusing for you, listen to HANUMAN CHALISA.
& be rest assured that your aura is protected.)
Having said all this, it’s best to learn ThetaHealing as it’s the most empowering healing modality. Read more about it HERE
& contact me for more information please.
Evil Eye Charms/Jewels: Do they really work?
NAZAR is such a fearful concept that businesses have heavily capitalized on this and started selling evil eye bracelets, necklaces, charms, key chains, earrings, rings, crockery, painting and WHAT NOT. PLEASE DON'T BE FOOLED THAT THIS WILL PROTECT YOU. IT. CAN. NOT.
The only thing that can protect you is your own belief system which has to be firm and strong. The belief system as per which, you know you are powerful and connected to God and that when when you are connected to God, nothing can touch you. Strengthen your relationship with God and none of this will ever bother you.
And for those who would like to argue that these evil eye charms DO WORK, I'd say it's your belief in them that works not the beautiful charm in itself. I must admit I personally love the design of evil jewels and if you spot me in any, it's purely because I love it on an aesthetic level. Our faith in something is what makes it work. If you wear an evil eye charm/jewel believing it will protect you, then it will because you believe so but please know that it's your own brilliant belief system that's protecting you; the power is in you.
How to strengthen relationship with God?
I was always a firm believer in God and growing up, I would pray a lot but I must admit I didn't fully understand God. I understood God truly and fully when I became a healer. because understanding God begins by understanding self because we are a spark of God. I teach all this and more in my healing courses. It's a beautiful journey to embark on should you be interested;