I recently had a ground breaking session with a client. This session was a part of a workshop I carefully designed for him to manifest love back into his life.
Let’s call my client Sam (pseudo name to conceal his identity).
Client Case
Sam found the love of his life and self sabotaged that relationship not once but twice. He deeply regretted it and was wallowing in self loathing and guilt because he lost someone who meant the whole world to him.
{This happens to the best of us where we manifest someone who is absolutely perfect and divine for us but we unconsciously make huge blunders to blow it all up. This is a classic case of the subconscious mind’s limiting beliefs coming up to be healed and released.
At a time like this, YOU MUST HEAL to avoid these things from happening again and again.}
Workshop Flow
In my workshop with Sam, we spoke a lot about relationship blueprints where I did a lot of inner child healing (a very important step of ThetaHealing). On day 3 of our workshop, I had new discussions planned which circled around releasing old relationship wounds. Now, mind you, Sam & I had been working together for a good 10 sessions at this point. We did release a lot of old patterns and negative beliefs but…
this workshop brought a whole new level of dangerous (dare I call it debilitating) core beliefs about self love.
Self Love blocks (anti-climax)
Sam was the biggest believer in self love. He had his phone wallpaper as well as WhatsApp DP set to self love for 4+ years. In this session, he realised he was carrying a negative belief that if he loves himself a lot, he won’t be able to find and keep his soulmate. Sam believed (negative belief) that self love will make him complacent and set his standards of love so high that he would go around rejecting any and every girl and he would land up alone.
(When this was unveiled, Sam was shocked to his core because he had no idea that on a subconscious level, this is how he actually thought about self love.)
A few minutes into this discussion, Sam realised that his father was like this. Growing up, Sam saw his father being pompous, (sometimes over) confident, thinking too highly of himself, so much so that he abandoned his wife’s love & presence. Sam saw his father (who was so full of self love according to Sam) reject his wife’s love and this created a negative image of self love for Sam.
Of course, if anyone feels this way about self love on a subconscious level, how will he/she apply that self love into their life? But it was in this day’s workshop, we made Sam’s inner child realise that what he saw in his father was not self love but something else. Self love doesn’t mean we reject love from another or become self centered or pompous. Sam, when he was a child didn’t understand self love so he assumed what his father had was self love.
(When we are little, we know too little about almost everything and what we see our parents do becomes a blueprint for us. Once we grow up, we absolutely must resolve this as and when issues and triggers come up.)
Now, on a conscious level, Sam had no flying clue that this was his core definition of self love. No wonder despite years of talking about self love, making it his DP & wallpaper, he couldn't apply it in his life.
Abandonment Issues (layer after layer healing)
During this workshop, a lot of abandonment issues also came up for Sam which he couldn’t understand initially because it caught him by surprise. The deeper we went into the session, the more and more he understood how his beliefs were limiting him from self love, keeping love in his life. This had even trickled into his other relationships where he couldn’t draw boundaries.
Step Forward
Now that all the beliefs have been shifted and new ones have been installed, Sam must do his due diligence (HomeWork I have given him- some actionable steps) to ensure he starts creating a new reality.
Job of a Healer
Healing is a two way street; your healer will clean up your belief system and empower you with excellent beliefs and brilliant solutions but you as a client will have to do what needs to be done. Healer is not a fixer of life, healer simply deep cleans your subconscious blocks, the real change comes from you.
You are your own Obstacle
A Lot of the time, you know what the right thing to do is… but why can’t you do it?
It’s because of your subconscious programming.
30 years back, none of this information on healing, subconscious mind, beliefs, manifesting, etc. was readily available but it now is… so let’s capitalise on it, shall we?
Reach out to me & book a discovery session where we will recognise all the issues and plan a workshop exclusively for you to bring ginormous transformation.
Love, Sia {Life Coach, Hormone Health Coach, Spiritual Coach, Energy Healer & Teacher, Tarot Card Reader & Teacher, Switch Word & Energy Circles Practitioner, Drawing & Handwriting Analyst, Feeding Thy Soul Blog}