For you to be able to allow angel numbers to guide you, you have to show faith in the workings of this Universe. You must work on strengthening your beliefs such as-
Life is happening for you (and not TO you).
Universe is always working in your favour so that you grow and become the wisest version of yourself.
If you wish to communicate with a fellow human, you can either call them or send them a message or an email or simply arrange a meeting to DISCUSS whatever it is that’s on your mind; but the Universe communicates with us using ANGEL numbers. Each angel number has a significance or rather multiple meanings but only the person who spots the number will be able to correctly identify the actual reason as to why a particular number showed up!
Here are the numbers, I will throw some light on-
Series of 1
11:11 1:11 111 1111 so on and so forth
Series of 2
2:22 22:22 222 2222 so on and so forth
Series of 3
33.33 33.3 3:33 333 3333 so on and so forth
Series of 4
4:44 444 4444 so on and so forth
Series of 5
5:55 55.5 55,55 555 5555 so on and so forth
Series of 6
66.6 66.66 666 6666 so on and so forth
Series of 7
7.77 77.77 777 7777 so on and so forth
Series of 8
8.88 88.8 88.88 888 8888 so on and so forth
Series of 9
9.99 99.99 999 9999 so on and so forth
Series of 0
000 0000 so on and so forth
So, let’s start discussing each number series.
Series of 1
11:11 1:11 111 1111 (etc.)
Keywords: New Beginnings, Opportunities, Mind your thoughts, Instant Manifestation, Focus on Spiritual Growth, Gratitude Time
Number 1 stands for new beginnings and opportunities. This can mean that either an opportunity is being presented to you or will be presented to you. It can also mean that the Universe is nudging you to start afresh; leave behind what isn’t working for you and embrace a new beginning- START AFRESH!
Your frame of mind when you spot angel numbers is what matters the most actually.
If you are in a random (neutral/busy I can say) mind frame when you spot series of 1, then know that that stand for being mindful of your thoughts because you are in a constant state of manifestation in YOUR OWN LIFE. You never know which thought might get manifested. It’s a reminder to always redirect your thoughts to VIRTUES!
If you’re low and you spot series of 1, take that as Universe telling you that you are not forgotten, this is a test of your virtues and this too shall pass. During times of distress, series of 1 are spotted as a reminder that you are loved by the Universe.
Series of 1 is a reminder to always work on being the wisest version of yourself. Take this as an advice to tap into your inner reservoir of wisdom. You are a lot more wiser than you can even imagine.
If you spot series of 1 when you’re in a good frame of mind, take this as a pat on the back from the Universe for whatever it is that you have been upto (as long as it’s grounded in pure intention).
Every angel number by default is a reminder to know that you are loved, cherished and looked after by all the forces of the Universe + everything is happening for a divine reason. There’s no such thing as a mistake from the Universe. Everything is ALWAYS WORKING OUT, ALWAYS!
Series of 2
2:22 22:22 222 2222 so on and so forth
Keywords: Change, Union, Partnership, Balance.
Series of 2 stand for CHANGE. Being open to change, welcoming change, shifting your perspective on change. You might see these series either as a reminder to embrace change with an open mindset or as a pat on the back if you have already brought change in some aspect of your life. 2 is also the number of balance and union. Series of 2 can come in as a reminder to cultivate balance in life. Maybe you are focussing way too much in one aspect of your life and it’s time to shift your energies to bring in balance. A balanced life looks like the one where you are progressing/growing/improving in all 4 aspects- mental health, physical health, wealth, spiritually. 2 is also a number of partnerships- either romantic/friendship/business. Whichever resonates most with you holds valid for you.
Series of 3
33.33 33.3 3:33 333 3333 so on and so forth
Keywords: Decision-making, Actionable Steps, Be True to Self, Focus on understanding self.
Is there a decision you have been delaying?
A routine you’ve been meaning to establish/ a course you have been wanting to start/ an investment you have meaning to make/ a baby you have been planning to plan/ job chnage/ house change, etc. ???
Spotting series of 3 means you have been stalling a decision and it’s time you take action. It can always be seen as A PAT ON THE BACK if you have been consistent with taking decisions/steps proactively. 3 = Active/Proactive. Spotting this can either be a reminder or an appreciation.
Series of 3 could also mean that you’re not staying true to your authentic self. This usually happens when you are concealing your feelings or getting influenced by someone else. The idea is to always channel & speak your soul’s truth.
Series of 4
4:44 444 4444 so on and so forth
Keywords- Angels around, Structure, Stability, Manifest.
4 is the number of ANGELS!
ALL OF US, regardless of our belief in it or not, have guardian angels protecting us. I repeat, even if you don’t believe in angels, you are still being protected.
Spotting series of 4 means that your angels are with you at that moment and they want you to know that YOU ARE LOOKED AFTER & CARED FOR. They are telling you how much they love and support you. If you spot series of 4 regularly then it’s fantastic news ‘cause it means that you are on the right path, you must hold onto the trust & faith and keep marching forward. It also means that you are in harmony and complete synchronicity with the Universe & your mission on Earth!
For some people, series of 4 could just be a reminder to not ignore your intuition & wear it like a badge of honor.
4 is also a number of structure, stability & manifestation. This means that series of 4 can come in as a reminder in your life to bring in structure (if you feel chaotic).
It can also mean that you have been here, there, everywhere physcially/mentally/both so you need to bring your back into the present moment.
Take series of 4 as a chance to close your eyes, pray to be grateful and sow seeds of manifestations into the Universe.
Series of 5
5:55 55.5 55,55 555 5555 so on and so forth
Keywords: Ascended Masters Around you, Change is coming, Big Shifts, Transitions.
Always remember, 5 is for Ascended Masters (Vishnu, Shiva, Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Goddess Lakshmi, Goddess Kali, etc.)
Ascended Masters are Lords sitting in the fifth plane of existence that most people refer to as ‘heaven’! When you spot series of 5, just know that ascended masters are watching over you. You must trust your path and your intuitions, you are where you should be and your life is in complete sync with your soul purpose!
Series of 5 also represents arrival of BIG CHANGES coming up. These changes should always be approached with an open mindset.
It can also mean beginning of a new chapter in life.
Series of 6
66.6 66.66 666 6666 so on and so forth
Keywords: WAKE UP CALL, Let go of pessimism, Embrace Optimism, Let go of lack & victim mentality, Focus on Gratitude, Communicate, Cooperate & focus on harmony in your life.
Consider series of 6 as a wake-up call! This means that you must stop fooling yourself by falling into the trap of pessimism! It’s time to flip the switch and look at life with rose-colored glasses aka with a positive outlook!
Spotting 666… means you must embrace the attitude of gratitude, bid adieu to the ‘lack mindset’ and keep a thorough check on your thoughts as they shape your reality!
Do you run away from conflicts/confrontations?
Do you suppress your emotions/opinions in front of your close knit circle just to avoid drama?
If you do any of the above then this series of 6 is a WAKE UP CALL to work on your communication skills to develop an attitude of cooperation with your close knit group. Make them understand your intent while you focus on understanding theirs. This is the right path to harmony.
Harmony doesn’t come when your suppress/ignore, it comes when you approach it with a solution & learning oriented mindset.
Series of 7
7.77 77.77 777 7777 so on and so forth
Keywords: Self Reflection, Life Contemplation, Ready for divine knowledge, Raising Awareness.
Series of 7 come as a reminder to prioritize self reflection, contemplate life and reasses priorities.
If you have been doing this already then, series of 7 is not just a pat on the back but also the Universe telling you that you’re READY for divine knowledge. It means that your self awareness will not skyrocket.
Folks please know that the minute you are in sync with your inner self, your clarity towards life increases and
‘as Tony Robbins says-
Clarity is POWER!’
The better you understand yourself, the better you understand life!
Series of 8
8.88 88.8 88.88 888 8888 so on and so forth
Keywords: Abundance, Hardwork, You reap what you sow-karma karma karma, opportunities
Series of 8 are spotted as a sign of opportunities coming up, opportunities that will bring in abundance in your life.
It’s also a number series that’s a reminder of karma, hard work and keeping one’s intent in check. If you spot series of 8, remind yourself-
What goes around will come around! Put out good vibes so that you receive the same.
Series of 9
9.99 99.99 999 9999 so on and so forth
Keywords: Fulfillment, wrapping up to move forward, letting go, forgiveness
Series of 9 are spotted as a reminder to tell you that you need to tie loose ends, wrap up unfinished work to bring it to fruition and completion SO THAT you can move forward.
It can also indicate a pat on the back if you have completed a task and are moving forward.
Series of 9 also come in as a reminder to forgive and let go. It comes as a sign for
new beginnings! Life is a beautiful journey full of interesting twists and turns, accept it & be ready to start afresh. It’s a sign that you must forgive those who have hurt you…forgiveness is a sign of strength & courage!
Series of 0
000 0000 so on and so forth
Keywords: New beginnings, fresh start, alignment with the Universe
Spotting series of 0 is a sign that you are about to start a new chapter in your life. It’s a sign of embarking on a new journey.
It can also indicate you being on a spirtual path aligning with the source/ Universe/ your soul’s plan for this lifetime. It’s a very good number series to spot.
However, if you spot series of 0 whilst facing a challenge, just know that the Universe is trying to talk to you & you must work on improving your connection with it!
Keywords: Smile more, hardworking, patience, life is a lot more meaningful than you think
Spotting 1010 means that you must smile more. Do things that make you happy plus create thoughts that instill happiness in you.
This number series is also a reminder to be hardworking and patience in the divine plan and Law of Karma.
If you spot this number a lot, know that everything happening in your life is happening for your highest and best. Everything happens for a reason.
Keywords: focus on dreams, thoughts are powerful, set an intent, dream
Spotting 1212 means that if you focus on your dreams with a positive approach (believing that they will manifest) even in the face of difficulty & challenges, you will make your wishes come true.
1212 is reminder of the power of our thoughts and the fact that our thoughts CREATE our REALITY!
PLEASE KNOW THAT ‘wishes’ are like ’seeds’ that provide the fuel that propels actions. So by wishing for something with divine passion, you create a positive high vibrational energy that becomes the source to make your dream come true. Always remember, inaction leads to nothing and hard work is key.
Keywords: Declutter, simplify, life purpose, divine contentment
Spotting this series means that you need to declutter & simplify your life in order to reach clarity.
If this meaning doesn’t sync with you, then 1234 can also mean that you’re on the right track to finding the purpose of your life, all you need to do is L I S T E N to what draws your attention.
1234 also serves as a reminder to you that your sense of divine contentment will come when you are true to your authentic self!
1414 & 1515
Keyword: Optimism
1414 & 1515…are spotted when the Universe is guiding you to tap onto the positive spirit you have within yourself. The more you tune yourself to positivity, the higher your vibration goes and THE MORE POSITIVITY you attract in turn. This is just like Law of Attraction. So the next time you spot 1414 or 1515, think of 5 positive thoughts and smile ear to ear with 100% faith that you are now attracting even more positivity in your life. You might see this number as a pat on the back if you are a positive person already or…
if you have been having a lot of negative thoughts, then consider this number spotting as a nudge from the Universe to tap onto positive thoughts within your life.
Keywords: Entry of a new person in life
1616…is a number that is brought to you by the angels to tell you that a new person is going to enter your life. This could be an old relationship reigniting or a new relationship budding. Welcome this with an open heart.
New people/relationships give us an opportunity to LEARN NEW THINGS. So brace yourself.
Keywords: life purpose, you will recieve help & guidance
1717…is a number for those seeking the purpose of their life. This can have multiple meanings. It can mean that you are on your life’s mission right now;
for example, if you are doing something at the moment which brings you a lot of joy and a strong sense of fulfillment and you spot 1717,
then just smile because it’s a pat on the back from the angels.
If you’re a Healer, Coach & Teacher, then spotting this number is like hitting JACKPOT for you because this number
Another meaning for 1717 could be… if you are seeking the purpose of your life and your soul’s mission and you spot this number,
it means angels are soon going to send HELP/GUIDANCE your way, accept it, respect it and welcome with open arms.
Keywords: financial wins, financial freedom, fame & praise coming your way, your hardwork will be awarded, get out of comfort zone, push your limits
The keywords are quite self explanatory ;-) It’s an amazing number to spot again and again.
Keywords: take a giant leap of faith, angels trying to get your attention for a long time now, new beginnings, embrace change
1919 is an indication to take that leap of faith you have been wanting to and were looking for a sign. If you show trust in the Universe, the Universe will reciprocate your trust.
1919 is also a sign to be open to change and new beginnings.
Keywords: Maintain a positive attitude should you wish to manifest your dreams
Positive attitude makes you a magnet to positive experiences. 1221 is spotted a lot if the Universe and Angels are trying to nudge you to maintain a positive outlook.
Keywords: get to work, hard work, put efforts, time to sow diligently
1441 are a sign of hardwork and effort. If you wish to manifest, start putting in the efforts with the best of intentions.
If you spot your birthdate number, for example my birthdate is 31/Aug and I spot number 31 a lot, everywhere, it means I am spotting my birthdate number.
Spotting your birthdate number everywhere means you are being constantly guided, nudged and reminded that you’re being looked after, loved and heavily supported by the Universe. It’s a very beautiful sign to spot your own birthdate number everywhere.
Hope this helps,