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All about Thyroid | Facts, Secrets & Remedies

This article on Thyroid issues is extracted from my personal notes from my Holistic Hormone Health Program & a lot of research I've done otherwise.

Today, many suffer from thyroid related issues and there's so much misinformation out there; medication is given at the drop of a hat without even trying natural ways to heal the dis-ease.

This article is my way of being generous and raising awareness that thyroid CAN BE HEALED/REVERSED easily.

You all deserve the complete truth about thyroid problems so here I am, presenting it to you.

Let's crack on now, shall we?

Firstly, let's understand that Thyroid is a gland located in the front of your neck.

Secondly, we understand how thyroid gland is performing basis a blood test. Let's understand what thyroid does by looking into the

Blood Test Parameters

When you get a thyroid blood panel done, the following levels are monitored:




Thyroid gland produces hormones such as T4, T3, etc. That’s why in your Thyroid blood test, both of these levels are closely monitored to check if something is off. TSH levels and a few other parameters are also strictly considered.

TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) produces thyoixine (t4) and triiodothyronine (t3).

Purpose of Thyroid

Thyroid (gland) has 2 main functions:

>metabolic function (metabolising your food, poor metabolism can be linked to issues with thyroid),

>balancing all hormones in the body by making sure all the right signals are “communicated” throughout the body.

Healing Perspective (Emotional Reasons behind the disease)

From a healing perspective, thyroid issues can be attributed to

>improper way of communicating - either you speak ill, spread gossip or shout way too much by creating turbulences or

>suppress your thoughts/emotions, not speak up when needed, swallow your words, etc.

In a healing session however, true emotional reason behind thyroid issues are revealed. The reasons above are generic and vary case to case basis.

{Please book your one-on-one session with me to figure this out.}


of an imbalanced thyroid hormone are-

weak bones, brittle nails, always feeling cold, fever, weight gain, head ache so on & so forth.

Facts you deserve to know

It’s important to know your T4 & T3 level along with TSH levels. You should check all 3 levels before starting medication. Do not get scared to get a second opinion from another doc and feel free to make lifestyle changes for a whole month before starting medcation… your (T4 T4 TSH) levels will shift. You need to know that liver is converting t4 to t3. All thyroid medicines are artificial in nature. Artificial thyroxine (meidcation given to thyroid patients) can never function like our body’s thyroxine. The side-effects will always be there!

Issues that lead to Thyroid

Chronic Stress (all thanks to the accumulated cortisol) - stressful relationships, jobs, unable to handle responsibilities, overthinking, overanalysing, etc.

Long gaps between food. This puts body in famine mode. Fad diets. This has a terrible impact on thyroid levels. Intermittent fasting is not for everyone. Women esp should sync Intermittent fasting with their period cycle. Contact me for help with this please.

Vegans & raw vegan folks are highly prone to thyroid due to limited food options. Eat mindfully if you wish to go vegan or raw vegan. Have a professional guide you.

Consumption of refined oils. This causes oxidation in liver which is toxic. Oils in food is very important. Refining process is all about increasing shelf life of oils so that they don’t start stinking after 2-3 days. Toxic oils-> corn oil, soy oil, sunflower oil! These oils stop production of enzymes that convert fat into energy… therefore T4 to T3. RESULTS in sluggish liver. And why is sluggish liver a problem now? Well, it’s a problem because liver detoxes your body… none of us can afford a sluggish liver.

Possible precursor of Thyroid

Thyroid patients must look at their liver health. More on this in this article. Stay tuned.

Toxic Oils: Cancer, Chemo & Free Radical Damage

Soy bean oil results in weight gain; it’s highly toxic

Start using unrefined oils because refined oils are full of oxidative stress. Cancer is caused due to oxidative stress in the body. That’s why Chemotherapy is done as chemo produces lots of free radicals that go and kill cancer cells. Free radicals are also found in the following food sources provided they are of excellent quality (organic or a from a trusted farm)- blueberries, strawberries, green tea, spinach, avocados, dark chocolate, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, acrrots, red grapes, oranges, kiwi, garlic, capsicum, broccoli, thyme, oregano, etc.

Long-term Holistic Healing from thyroid

Firstly, you need to believe that you can reverse the dis-ease. Eating clean, quitting gluten and dairy for 1 year is a must and a healing session to identify emotioanl reasons linked to the disease are highly mandatory.

You can heal & repair your thyroid gland by gradually reducing your medication and contuining taking care of your health through a good diet, yoga, healing and morever learning the lessons the dis-ease meant for you to learn.

Fast Facts

>Focus on liver if you want to fix your thyroid.

Also, on GUT health!

>If you have less thyroxine being produced by the body,, you will have more estrogen, more estrogen means- weight gain, PCOD, etc.

>Sabja (sweet basil seeds) works like magic to empower our Thyroid Gland.

Sabja (sweet basil seeds we use in falooda) are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and excellent taken on an empty stomach. Must be avoided by pregnant women (strictly).

Liver Detox

Liver is a very important organ and ensures that all the toxins in your body are flushed out before they create a havoc (cancer and other dis-eases).

Our poor (terrible) food and lifestyle habits overburden the liver and inturn cause dis-eases.

Detoxing ensures that liver is given the breathing space to perform it’s core functions thouroughly. Every person must care about liver detox & here’s how you do it:

> breathe fresh air and get your AC clean and every day open the windows

> don’t consume water from plastic bottles. use copper, stainless steel, glass bottles instead

>don’t touch bills in hotels- the ink has toxicity

>hair sprays, lip gloss, cosmetics- use organic. paraben & xeno estrogens are toxic :-(

>beware of the heavy metals in pesticide non-organic food, air freshners, car freshners, use good quality essential oil based products instead please. please use chemical free detergents

>don’t cook in non-stick utensils, teflon coating is very harmful esp when it starts to come off. Use cast iron, mud pans, clay pots. Avoid aluminium utensils please.

All this information might feel overwhelming at first but once this becomes a part of your lifestyle it’s actually not much. Change initially can be slighly overwhelming but with the right support, it can be made seamless.

Cleanse your liver and you will get fit as a byproduct.

Best diet for liver cleanse (basic guideline)

no dairy

no gluten

no white sugar

no alcohol

no tea/coffee/caffeine


Add the following to your weekly diet & be consistent:

warm lemon water (magical for liver for cleansing)

hot mint tea (fresh mint leaves in hot water highly detoxyfying for liver)

hot haldi water with cinnamon, black pepper, lemon, ginger works like a miracle to cleanse liver

vegetable juice

oil pulling- coconut oil

brekkie-> only raw fruits or veggie juice

lunch-> cruciferous veggies but cooked only, dals

proper prayanama

proper exercise (yoga or strength training)

proper sleep

These are excellent recommendations but allow me to guide you better. Please contact me on Instagram: feeding_thy_soul

Contact me for a session where we work on your diet, lifestyle and emotional healing. ONE-TWO SESSIONS are enough for this.

3 types of thyroid->

Hypothyroidism (health & diet recommendations above)

Hyperthyroidism (health & diet recommendations above)

Hashimotos Thyroiditis

Hashimotos Thyroiditis is due to lifestyle disorder- improper gut microbiome health, meaning when the bad gut bacteria starts to outnumber the good gut bacteria. Hashimotos Thyroid is an auto-immune disorder- inflammation of gut lining.

Get off dairy & gluten asap. They are inflammatory foods.


probiotic & prebiotic

no antibiotics

no stress PLEASE

smoking & drinking

eat clean

no processed food

Remember thyroxine is a hormone which can be fixed with a proper lifestyle.

Hidden Facts no one will tell you

Test for Anti TPO / Anti TG

If this is positive then its Hashimotos;

If it’s negative then you have an underactive thyroid gland.

Treat your liver to fix T3 & T4 levels

Check your selenium level ( get a test, take the right supplements and eat selenium rich foods)

Fix your endorcrine system (hormones)

Thyroid is reversible.

Ask your doc to slowly wean you off the meds. It’s very much possible.

Medicine is a crutch, okay for a short while but no point if taken long term.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me. Let’s work through your thyroid together as a team, okay?

Please contact me on Instagram: feeding_thy_soul

Contact me for a session where we work on your diet, lifestyle and emotional healing. ONE-TWO SESSIONS are enough for this.

Lots of love,


Life Coach, Hormone Health Coach, Pregnancy & Postpartum Emotional, Mental & Physical Health Guide, Conscious Parenting Guide, Spiritual Coach, Energy Healer & Teacher, Tarot Card Reader & Teacher, Switch Word & Energy Circles Practitioner, Drawing & Handwriting Analyst


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