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Writer's pictureSia

32 Life Lessons || Happy Birthday to me

Hey Readers,

For the longest time, I’ve done a blog post on my birthday. I started this when I was 26 and I’m still doing it. I’m 32 today and here are 32 things I’d like to share with you. Consider these my personal pearls of wisdom-

1>If people around you, your friends, family, your inner circle doesn’t look happy when you share your good news, it’s a major red flag. Time to change your circle effective immediately.

2>Invest in relationships. The more quality relationships you have, the better your life quality gets. Your loved ones (well wishers) (family and friends like family) add to the overall vibe of your life.

3>Every relationship is a two way street (except for the one we have with our parents, there it’s mostly one sided and rightly so). You have to put in the effort in any relationship and that’s fair. You cannot expect the other person to take the lead.

4>Networking and socializing really helps you expand your circle as well as your mind. Let alone gives you an opportunity to help others and ask for help as and when needed.

5>Staying in touch with old friends and playing catch up with them at least twice every year is non-negotiable.

6>Keep yourself updated spiritually and mentally. Mental hygiene dare I say is more important than physical hygiene. I say this because way too many people give way too much importance to “looks” and “vanity” but very little priority to healing and therapy.

7>If you’re reading this and you haven’t had even one therapy/healing/coaching session in your life, this is your WAKE UP CALL!

8>No matter where you’re at in life, please have a coach/healer guiding you. Believe you me, it’s game changing. You want to know the exact reasons? Read THIS.

9>No matter how much your parents trigger you/annoy you at times, remember, they did, are and will always do the best they know given their knowledge and mindset.

10>A person who expects their parents to change is a FOOL. This my friend Meg told me back in 2015 and it stuck with me since.

11>When we continue to get irritated by someone’s inability to change, we also are refusing to change.

12>Acceptance is the best medicine of all. The moment you accept, you begin to feel peace.

13>The only happy ending every girl needs to know about is self love. Girls are taught to seek happy ending in marriage and partnership but everyone’s timeline and soul purpose is different. And even after marriage, self love and self care is key…so the only happy ending every woman MUST focus on is self love, unconditional.

13>Don’t let the group consciousness (society, ads, marketing, brands, influencers,uncles and aunties around you) tell you that fair is beautiful, slim is beuatiful, long dark hair is perfect. These are all marketing tactics we have been falling prey to. In India, they say fair is beautiful, in the US/UK/EU they say tanned (goldenish - brown) is beautiful - these are all money making tactics.

14>The “clear skin syndrome” is a way to make money. Whoever sells this is a fraud. Clear skin comes from clean gut. Focus on eating clean and working out and your skin will oblige.

15>Everyone is not supposed to have the exact same skin. Appreciate what you have and then work towards getting fitter and eating cleaner.

16>If you have skin issues of any kind, you must look into gut health and also how you think the world perceives you. Your belief system and though plays a key role in your skin is.

17>Exercising (playing a sport/pilates/yoga/strength training/boxing, etc.) must be a priority in everyone’s life. A lot of magic happens when we move our bodies, both mentally and physically. If you are not working out at least 4 times a week, this blog post is your wake up call.

18>Angels and forces of God are always around you, you just need to believe that you are loved and supported because regardless of what you think, you actually are loved and supported.

19>The purpose of your life is to learn and master virtues. Really, that’s all. The money you make, the person you marry, the kids you have and raise are all linked to the virtues your soul has decided to master.

20>Have at least 10-20 things (virtues or goals or experiences or material things) in your manifestation list. If you do not have this then your mind will create unnecessary drama. Believe me, your mind is so powerful and creative, it wants to create something. So if your manifestation list isn’t ready- then drama is created. This is because your mind wants to make the most out of this life.

21>You can never manifest for others. Only they can manifest for themselves.

22>Know your love language and know the love language of your loved ones. You must express love in the other person’s love language of choice.

23>Every single day in every single way be thankful for what &who you have around you. The more grateful you are, the more in the vibration of love & abundance you will be. And from that place you will manifest more.

24>Don’t be grateful to expect something in return from God or the Universe. Be grateful to be grateful, genuinely.

25>Be generous, helpful and proactive around your friends and family.Generosity is not just with money, it is also with guidance, support, laughter, good vibes and your presence. If you are with your loved ones at the time they need you the most, they will bless you in a way your soul will feel fulfilled.

26>Everyone around you is teaching you life lessons. Focus on the learning.

27>Be gentle with those who trigger you. You are meeting parts of yourself (in those people) you have been at war with.

28>The best virtue that helps us to heal at breakneck speed is ‘not taking things personally. I love this quote “ Don't personalize or internalize other people's behavior. What they do is not a reflection of you. Their actions represent them and where they're at in their growth. Just observe instead of getting caught up and overreacting emotionally.“

29>Do what makes you happy but never at the cost of hurting your inner circle of friends and family.

30>Listen to your closest confidantes (friends and family) they really REALLY know what’s best for you. Sometimes we are so blinded by certain emotions we are unable to navigate our way in life. That’s when our loved ones shake us up a bit and if we don’t listen , we might have regrets. For Example: If you’re dating someone who your friends and family (who you trust completely) is NOT APPROVING OF, then listen to them. You’re blinded in love, they aren’t. Please Note: These people should really really be wise and genuine in your life.

31>You are the content you consume and the people you hang out with. If you consume junk content (gossip, only slapstick humour, news), your mindset goes at the totally different vibe. If those around are not focussed on their mental, physical and financial growth, you’ll become like them too.

32>The fastest way to grow and succeed in life is through healing. I embarked on my healing journey technically 6 years ago but actually 11 years ago, in 2012. And for this I’m the most thankful. I don’t know what I would have done without healing (and spiritual wisdom) in my hard times.

BONUS 33> Celebrate people in your life. Money will come, money will go, but the love you will feel with your loved ones will satiate your heart in the most mesmerising way. We were born to love and feel loved. So my 2 questions to you are:

Who was the last person who felt looooved by you?

Who was the last person who made you feel looooved?

Love and more love today since it’s my BIRTHday,



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